
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


What is primer? The dictionary defines primer as this:

Primer (prim-er) verb: To prepare or make ready for a particular purpose or operation.

Six months ago I could not have told you what makeup primer was. I had never heard of it in my life. Now that I know what it's for and I've used it, I can see how beneficial it is to achieving a perfect makeup complexion.

Makeup primer basically sits on top of your moisturizer and creates a nice, smooth palette for your foundation. Think of it like this...your face is full of wrinkles and pores and other such things. The primer kind of fills those in and makes a clean slate for your makeup. That way your foundation or concealer doesn't sink into those places, which is never a good thing. It can help do everything from add moisture to control oil, depending on the kind you choose. It also holds onto your foundation and makes it last longer. For us Louisiana girls who are dying in the heat right now, it can also keep your makeup from literally melting off your face. Eye primer is the same kind of thing. It keeps your eyeshadow nice and crease free and lasting all day (or night).

I have tried many kinds of face primer so far...everywhere from Revlon to MakeUp Forever. I use a mid-priced ($18) one from Sephora brand and I am happy with it. In my experience so far, it's all about trial and error with primers. You have to find one that fits specific skin needs (dry, oily, redness, etc).

Check out this link for more information about face primers and a few suggestions of some of the best ones to consider:

Best Makeup Primers

This is also a really good video with a review of both drugstore and higher end primers:

I hope that helped you all understand primers a little better!

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