
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Egg White Mask

This is something that I tried out of desperation and found out that it really works! My pores are the bane of my existence most days. They are huge and ugly and I am convinced that you can see them from five feet away (although I've been assured that is not the case). Before I could shrink those pores, I had to get my blackheads under control. I was scouring the internet for remedies and I found this DIY face mask.

Egg White Mask

1. Crack an egg and separate the white into a small bowl.
2. Take a fork and whisk the egg white until it becomes foamy.
3. Make sure your face is nice and clean and spread the egg white all over.
4. When the egg is still wet, take pieces of toliet paper and put it over the egg.
5. Wait about 10 minutes (or until the paper is dry and stiff) and peel off.
6. Wash any excess egg off with water and ta-da!

Basically, it works like a big pore strip for your face! I found that it brings blackheads and whiteheads to the surface much quicker and leaves my face soft. I've done this treatment a few times now and I'm very pleased with it.

If you need a more visual tutorial, you can watch this video:

He does it a bit more fancy than I do, but it works the same no matter how you do it. :)

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